Come on in!
This page is intended to provide a comprehensive collection of media and websites related to or featuring Sir Algenon. I aim to update this site if and when new information is found or comes from the park. Thanks for visiting!
- Autumn (AutumnTowers)
Media Featuring Sir Algenon
Below is a list of events and shows in which Sir Algenon either hosted or made an appearance. The list is dated and goes from 2014 to present.
Sir Al performs alongside his nieces and nephew (Amber, Sapphire, and Micah) (Apr. 2014)
Sir Al's first firework performance (Nov. 2015)
Sir Al's appearance in the 2018 Firework Spectacular (Nov. 2018)
Sir Al hosts the opening of the park for the 2019 season (Mar. 2019)
Sir Al and his co-pilot, Felicity, host the 2019 Firework Spectacular (Nov. 2019)
Sir Al features in a stage show aboard his time-travelling starship (Jun. 2021)
Sir Al and Charlotte Marquis perform soul songs onstage (Sept. 2021)
Sir Al hosts the 2021 40th anniversary Firework Spectacular (Nov. 2021)
Sir Al hosts the 2022 Firework Spectacular (Nov. 2022)
Sir Al and the Summer of Fun Crew play tennis (Aug. 2023)
Sir Al hosts a Summer of Fun street party on Towers Street (Aug. 2023)

The Wonders of Sir Algenon's Attic
Whilst not featuring Sir Al himself, the show features his niece (Lucy) and his friend (Reginald). The video is around 14 years old and doesn’t have the best audio/video quality, but is the only recording found thus far. The video is split into four parts:
A short TowersTimes article was written on this show!